Tagged: Rock N Roll

Rock’N’Roll People..


Owner Nikolai Nalu can now proudly announce that his company Rock’N’Roll People is open for business.
Nikolai Nalu created an phenomenal collection for men and women, along with a magazine under the same name. Where you can see all of the new updates on the clothing collection, listen to music from all over the world, see art that other people have made and read interviews about people that are Rock’N’Roll in their own way.
Nikolai Nalu was born in Denmark, Copenhagen and has been in the fashion/music/art world for many years.

-Where did the idea come from to make a clothing line and a magazine?

The magazine idea came to me one day I was at work at the only job I ever had, booking conferences for companies. It was so borring.. I was a rapper in my band Sutrapumo at the time, and I was day dreaming as always… I got this idea that it could be cool to make an online magazine (this was in 2006) where I would make one photo session with interview per week, and send it out online to the world. The photos had to be very edgy, and break all limits, or rules that had been in making photos up until then… Then the interview had to go deeper and reveal a bit more than what you would traditionally get out of an interview, all in collaboration with the celebrity. It worked. The idea for the clothing came last fall. I was very sick of the situation I was in at the time, selling jewelry all over Scandinavia for a company, so I started thinking about a new line of business for myself. Since I always liked the logo for The Rock And Roll Magazine, my idea was to take that logo, put it on clothing, and the close the magazine. But when all the graphic design geniuses saw the logo, they told me it wasn´t good enough, so ironically the logo is the only thing I didn’t take with me… But yea that was the start of RNRP.

-Where does the interest of fashion, music and art come from?

I don’t really know… My family is not like that, my parents are bankers and my brother is in IT. I am the youngest brother who always explored the world by myself.. I guess it developed through my interest in show business in general. When I was very little I would spend weekends lying on the floor with my dads headphones on, listening to rock music. That was the beginnig of my interest in music. In second grade I heard Twisted Sister with the song “We´re not gonna take it” over the school radio, and from that point on I got into what was considered as metal back then… Twisted Sister, Scorpions, Accept, Judas Priest, Metallica, Iron Maiden, ACDC, Bon Jovi, Guns N Roses etc. BUT Metallica was my favorite, and I still listen to them every day. I have always been very inspired by Lars Ulrich, he has that drive, taste in art, and understanding of the mechanisms in the international market. He knows esthetics, how to be original, and he has balls like a racehorse. I have always said that if I had the chance to have lived someone else’s life than my own, it should have been his. Anyways, my interest in fashion, design and art comes through music, that led to show business, that led to art, fashion etc. Today I am really inspired by Kanye West and Jay-Z.

-Have you always been a person who set a goal in your life and complete it?

Yeah I guess I have always had big goals and big dreams… Ever since I was a kid, I made bets with my friends about if you could be the world champion in this or that, I guess I always believed in myself as soon as was committed to something… I still feel like that, it’s a gift and a curse.

-How has it been to make all of this happen?

A living hell. Period. The thing is that I tend to jump into things that I basically don’t know shit about, and that I don’t have the finances for, but somehow I make it work if I really really want it. …I am looking forward to the part where I will have fun with it ha ha

-How did you come up with the name “Rock’N’Roll People?

Well, I have always liked the energy around the term “Rock N Roll”, and I have thrown those words around for the last 10-15 years or so. For me, being “Rock N Roll” has nothing to do with music, or anything like that. For me it´s about not being ordinary, and giving 100%, whether it´s playing in a band, being a 100m runner, a designer, or what ever. If you give it your all, and strive to push limits, then you are “Rock N Roll”, in my world anyways. Since I have now owned The Rock And Roll Magazine” for over 5 years, it was natural for me to chose a name around “Rock N Roll”, so I wrote a list, and sent it to my friends. “ROCK N ROLL PEOPLE” was the name that I most liked and that I kept coming back to. So I decided to go with that and I like the way I can shorten it to RNRP.

– What can people expect from this web site?

First of all the website is my flagship store, so there’s lots of cool products that people hopefully will like. Then The Rock And Roll Magazine has reopened on the site as well (rocknrollpeople.com) so there will be lots of interviews and photo sessions there, plus random daily inspiring stuff. Rock N Roll you know?

Lets talk about the clothing collection.

-How was it to make your own collection?

Horrible ha ha.. I can’t draw, I suck at photo shop, and I am not good with a measuring band. No, it has been fun as well. It still is and it’s getting more and more fun the more I design and the more I learn. My worst enemy is myself and my indecisive side.. I want to do it all so I have difficulties choosing. I like creating brands, just like when I recorded music and had an album after the mixing and mastering. It´s really cool…

-Where did you find the inspiration for the collection?

I am always inspired, my brain never stops.. I can get inspired everywhere, from people in the street, magazines, friends etc. But more specifically, I have looked a bit in the direction of Kanye West and Jay Z for a while.. their album, and general universe around “Watch The Throne” has been really inspiring for me. One thing I don’t like is to go to a fashion fair to see what “the next thing” is and then go back to the studio and draw that. That´s not inspiring for me at all, I like to just make my own interpretations of the things that turn me on. I like bits of styling from Morten Breum to Stephen Dorff to Saseline to Kanye West, The Game, to Balmain, to Alexander Wang to the Californian skateboarding scene and so on… The challenge for me is to put the pieces together and make it look like there is some kind of red thread in the styles that I make.

-How would you describe it from the look to the quality?

I am very anal about quality and finish, and I can really get pissed, if I get something from the factory that’s not 100% like I want it, then I only focus on that mistake, and it ruins my whole feeling about the product. So yeah, quality and materials, are ver very important for me in the making of RNRP.

-What can people expect from this collection and the next one?

I don’t believe so much in collections in the traditional sense anymore. Since the online market is so developed now, the mechanisms have changed. Just like it has in the music business. You don’t really make albums anymore, you make a good song, and then you throw it on Spotify, iTunes, send it to the radio stations etc. I believe that it’s the same (almost) with clothing, when I make new styles, I put them online, and offer the shops to get them as well. Regarding what you can expect, you can expect something really cool and sexy… And a step up frome the first styles. I wont yet reveal what it will be though, I´ll keep that to myself until it´s online.

-How was it to find good models and a photographer that you knew cold get what you wanted?

Models is reaaaly hard. The good ones are expensive, and I understand why. But when you are starting out, you don’t go and hire the best models in the business, so I had to be creative, and I am still looking for new cool people.

-Tell us about who the models and photographer are? and why them?

I always work with Nicky De Silva. He is one of my best friends, and I am a big fan of him as a photographer. I trust his judgments, he has good style, and our communication is very open regarding ideas etc. and we always have fun on the set. We have made lots of sessions together since Nicky first took photos of me and my band when we played at Roskilde Festival 2004..and he did tons of photos for The Rock And Roll Magazine.
Regarding models. On the female side I work with the Danish celebrity singer / model, Saseline. I have known her for years and she has great style, so it was very obvious for me to ask her for collaboration. She is co-designing on the female styles as well. On the male side, the famous Danish model Oliver Bjerrehus has helped me out. I have known him for years as well and I just co-produced the music video for his band, so in that way, we help each other out.. He is a good guy. The tattood dude on the shop, Casper, is a guy I´ve known sporadically through the business for years.. He used to play drums in one of the other bands, when I was rapping in mine. I digg his style, and I wanted to open the show with a model that wasn’t too plain / ordinary.

-What are you most proud of with the collection?

Hmm… Just proud of getting this far ha ha.. Well I guess I am proud of designing the leather jacket “NALU”, and I really like the hoodies… And the T-shirt “JAY” with leather at the bottom, which I designed myself as well. Lots of cool stuff when I think about it.. the leather pants for women that I made with Saseline are awesome as well.

-Who is Nikolai Nalu?

He is a 37 year old kid, born Sep. 1st. 1975, with a mind that’s constantly racing.. New ideas, new turn on´s, always news things that he wants to do. He is very observant, very detail oriented, extremely passionate, and he has this constant belief that anything is possible. He likes to work, and to go to the gym…He came to L.A California in 1991. He went to high school in Newport Beach and Honolulu  Hawaii. He also travels a lot in the US. He loves music, and used to play in a band for 7 years. He was on the Danish national kayak team for 11 years.. He loves photos sessions, design, art, and he is always short of time. He has difficulties sleeeping, because his brain is creative during the night.. He has an ex-wife but no kids. He loves his girlfriend, family and friends a lot, and he is always trying to be a good guy, moral is a big thing for him, and he is very aware of good vibes and fairness in his relations with people around him… And he misses making music.

-One word to describe you from some of your family members, girlfriend and friends?

Okay my girlfriend was very fast here, she said: “Perservering!!” …and she wasn’t talking dirty here …My parents said “diligent” ….got some interesting ones from my friends, f.ex. my oldest friend since I was 8 month said “Unique” – my second oldest friend since 1988 said nothing less than “Fantasic, I always feel good after hanging out with you”. Another old friend said “Inspiring” – another said “Authentic”, my friend that I share studio space with said “Productive” – the guy I consider my closest friend, you know the friend that knows everything about me and is always there in my daily life, said “Warrior”. Another tight friend said “Empathic” another said “Loyal”, one said “Self belief”, other words that was said was, unselfish, friendly, cool, loveable, determined, visionary… You can tell I got a lot of great friends right ha ha.. I should do this more often, that felt good.

-Is there something you would like to share with the Rock’N’Roll People fans?

Yes, stay inspired – live with passion!! ….And I am REALLY looking forward to the next season of Californication”

– Someone you would like to say thanks to?

YES, very much so, and I think about that every day. I am extremely thankful for the people around me, who keep supporting, and believing in me, no matter how impossible my situation looks… Seriously. First of all my girlfriend for enduring my many hours of work, every week, and for dealing with lack of attention etc. from me, it will be better I promise … Then my parents.. Anders Larsen, Jakob Thomasen, Saseline, David Gustafsen, Glenn Ulrich Halvorsen, Jens Alminde, Claus Sigvardt Frederiksen, Oliver Bjerrehus, Jesper Døssing, Nicky De Silva, Kristian Rosén, Casper Sennenwald, Anso, Angelica Dluzen, all the make up artists, Peter Karby, Maria Angelova, Thomas Bickham, Yassine Lazib.. I am probably forgetting someone, so I apologize in advance for that. Every single piece of help that I have gotten has been important, also what could seem like small things. …And then you Anne, you´ve always supported me as well, thanks for that.

I want to thank Nikolai for taking his time to give me this interview. I am a BIG BIG fan of Rock’N’Roll People and i’m looking forward to see what else Nikolai has planned for the future.

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 Men’s T-shirt collection from Rock’N’Roll People.

Men’s T, black with black RNRP logo on chest, and folded sleeves.

Men’s T, leather at the bottom, all around the shirt. Folded sleeves.

Men’s T, pocket on the left chest, longer back than front, ROCK N ROLL PEOPLE label on the back.

Men’s T, photo on chest by Nicky De Silva

To see more of whats coming for both Women and Men visit Rock’N’Roll People Facebook page

Click here:

Rock N Roll People Facebook

Online Shop will be up soon and Alpaka Clothing will post more about that and the collection.