Tagged: The Thirteenth

My Favorite Song & Why I’m Glad It’s Not The Last..

[This excerpt is entirely written by artist Chris Louis Folmsbee]

I wrote this entire album at an incredibly hard time in my life. I’m not afraid to let people know that, just because I make music doesn’t mean that I’m living large and care free like some would wrongfully assume.

Thankfully, this isn’t my job, but more of how I cope with life in general. I never like taking too much credit for the words I write because I never feel like I put much effort into it. I just wait and I wait until they come to me without forcing anything. As if they were words that I needed to hear, they were given to me to record and be able to come back to hear them again. I love that many people can relate to them and that has also always been something that encouraged me to stay consistent with this practice.

It’s amazing how a few of the songs off of my recent release, ‘the thirteenth’ have way more to do with where I am at in life and my current situation now, than when I wrote them. The more I listen the more meaning each word, each sentence has pertaining to my life.

As of right now, the second to last track could quite possibly be the soundtrack for my day today.. Perhaps this upcoming month if you will. It is a tough song to listen to for me, always has been, but it is also my favorite song. I never pick favorite songs on any of my albums. Ask any artist, it is almost impossible. Hell it isn’t even my song, it is a song that I used from an artist I admire and I interpreted it my own way. Perhaps it is my favorite song and I have grown such an attraction to it because it is the one i needed to pay most attention to. To push through and get through this specific time.

Regardless, everything I said in the song could be interpreted in many ways.. Inspirational, depressing, romantic, anyway you interpret it the song is a little lowkey. It’s not very upbeat, not the most cheerful note to end the album on. Which is how I thought my album, or story should have ended. It hit me hard every time I listened to it, was that really how I should end it all considering it may have that very same affect on other people?

Well it didn’t end up that way, my wife, who has been there almost every step of the way in my music career. Asked if she could put her opinion on the track list. She suggested I put ‘Light Up The Sky’ last. At that point I looked at her like, huh? How would that even make any sense to put that last? She said if I don’t think it should, then don’t do it. The more I thought about it the more I had a feeling she was right. So I just did.. I ended the album on a high note, upbeat track, basically picking everything up from what state the last track may have left you in.

I never cared to figure out if this was the ‘right’ thing to do, or if other people thought it was a good idea. Although a few people out of nowhere just told me they loved that I did that. For one, a DJ I had worked with told me that was his favorite track and two, my sister told me that it was the best way to end it all after that previous song.

From there on out I felt reassured that listening to my wife on the tracklist was a great idea. It wasn’t until today though I looked at it in another light. A day that I may not be that same guy I always am, I might need a little inspiration myself, I might be stuck on track 12 right now in my life and thats what I really need to listen  and pay attention to. It is just good to know that I have one more track left on this album.. And its a good one.

God Bless.

the thirteenth by Chris Louis


Chris Louis‘ new album “the thirteenth” dropped 11-13-13 and it is one of the best album I have heard in a long time.

If you are into hip hop then this is the album to go get.

Chris Louis also knowing as CL has made an album that takes you from new school to

old school with his great lyrics and amazing beats that have been produced by many other artist and himself.

The album cover he created fits the album really good. I like the gold mixed with the black and the way it is set up.

Congrats to Chris Louis on this creative new album it is truly one of my favorite.

To go hear the album click on this link www.chrislouis.com

Chris Louis – The Thirteenth


I been so lucky that I got the chance to listen to some of Chris Louis newest album “The Thirteenth” and so far it is just AMAZING.

I can’t personally wait to hear more. He is one of my favorite artist.

There are no date sat for when the new album will drop, but I will keep updating on it.

 For more of Chris Louis music and other albums go visit www.chrislouis.com
